référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2006-01/msg00006.html

[astro-jc] 2.5 yrs Post-Doc at CRAL-ENS Réza Samadi

From: France Allard <fallard@ens-lyon.fr>
Subject: 2.5 yrs Post-Doc at CRAL-ENS
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:08:51 +0100

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Postdoctorate in astrophysics

Centre de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon (CRAL)
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENSL)

Modelling the atmospheric and spectral properties of very low mass
stars, brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets requires taking dust grain
formation (silicates and metals for the warmest atmosphere, ices for
the coolest) into account.  In the frame of the expected results from
the missions with NACO, VLT-PF and JWST, our objectives for the next 3
years are to improve existing models and extend our computations to
sub-jovian planets (less than 500K). The research project will
therefore consist in the study, by radiation-hydrodynamic (RHD)
modelling (code CO5BOLD at
"http://www.astro.uu.se/~bf/co5bold_main.html" in collaboration with
H.-G. Ludwig in Observatoire de Meudon) convection and turbulence to
determine the atmospheric properties and the spatial and radial
distribution of dust clouds.  And then to adapt a static (1D and 3D)
radiative transfer model (PHOENIX at
"http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/EN/For/ThA/phoenix/index.html" in
collaboration with P. H. Hauschildt in Hamburg Observatory) taking
these distributions into account in the modelling of the synthetic
spectra and photometry.  The selected candidate will also develop an
online simulator for the distribution of the results to the public.

The candidate must be doctor in astrophysics or the equivalent, must
present a strong experience in numerical modelling in the unix
environment with Fortran 90, C, C+ et C++, and have notions of
radiative transfer and convection, and/or dust nucleation.

The position is for 30 months with a brut salary of  2134.29
The position is available starting before September 2006.
Send your CV and publication list to:

France Allard
Chargee de Recherche (CR1)
CRAL-ENS, 46 Allee d'Italie, Lyon Cedex 07

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<center><fontfamily><param>Arial</param>Postdoctorate in 


de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon (CRAL)

Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENSL)


the atmospheric and spectral properties of very low mass stars, brown
dwarfs and extrasolar planets requires taking dust grain formation
(silicates and metals for the warmest atmosphere, ices for the
coolest) into account.  In the frame of the expected results from the
missions with NACO, VLT-PF and JWST, our objectives for the next 3
years are to improve existing models and extend our computations to
sub-jovian planets (less than 500K). The research project will
therefore consist in the study, by radiation-hydrodynamic (RHD)
modelling (code CO5BOLD at
"http://www.astro.uu.se/~bf/co5bold_main.html" in collaboration with
H.-G. Ludwig in Observatoire de Meudon) convection and turbulence to
determine the atmospheric properties and the spatial and radial
distribution of dust clouds.  And then to adapt a static (1D and 3D)
radiative transfer model (PHOENIX at
"http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/EN/For/ThA/phoenix/index.html" in
collaboration with P. H. Hauschildt in Hamburg Observatory) taking
these distributions into account in the modelling of the synthetic
spectra and photometry.  The selected candidate will also develop an
online simulator for the distribution of the results to the public.

The candidate must be doctor in astrophysics or the equivalent, must
present a strong experience in numerical modelling in the unix
environment with Fortran 90, C, C+ et C++, and have notions of
radiative transfer and convection, and/or dust nucleation.


The position is for 30 months with a brut salary of  2134.29

The position is available starting before September 2006.

Send your CV and publication list to:

France Allard

Chargee de Recherche (CR1)

CRAL-ENS, 46 Allee d'Italie, Lyon Cedex 07




Liste astro-jc
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Courriel : mailto:astro-jc@opserv.obspm.fr
Archives : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/
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SF2A: http://www2.iap.fr/sf2a/
CJC : http://www.obspm.fr/cjc/
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CJC: mailto:Commission.Jeunes-Chercheurs@obspm.fr
SF2A: mailto:sf2a@cesr.fr