référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2003-04/msg00013.html

[obsdoc] [Fwd: offre de post-doc "exoplanetes" (fwd)] Réza Samadi

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: offre de post-doc "exoplanetes" (fwd)
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 12:17:20 +0200 (CEST)
From: Jean.Schneider@obspm.fr
To: reza.samadi@obspm.fr

Veuillez prendre connaissance de cette offre de post-doc, et la diffuser
largement. Des informations sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes:

Opening for a post-doctoral position in Exoplanet Research

Title : Participation in the scientific return from the HARPS's project and
preparation of the OAMP's exoplanet program.

Position : Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in
the exoplanet research group of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille.
The candidate will work in the exoplanet group of (LAM) which, together with
Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), are member institutes of the
Observatoire de Marseille Provence (OAMP). LAM is involved in the projects
HARPS (in close collaboration with the Geneva Observatory), the space mission
CoRoT and VLT-Planet Finder (direct imaging) studies for second generation
VLT instrumentation. LAM also participates with OHP to the development of
SOPHIE, the next radial velocity instrument, after ELODIE which allowed the
discovery 7 years ago of the first extra-solar planet, in the north
LAM, leader of the CoRoT/Exoplanet program, is developing an observational
strategy based on joined radial velocity measurements and transit detection.
A significant breakthrough in our knowledge of the close-in giant planets
very likely will result from such a strategy. The future Eddington space
mission will also benefit from the scientific effort around the CoRoT

Profile of the candidate :
The candidate should have experience in radial velocity measurements to
collaborate to the HARPS data processing and the subsequent scientific
analysis. He/She will be closely involved in a number of the exoplanet
projects developed in Marseille such as transit photometry or direct imaging.
Alternatively, expertise in modeling in the field of extra-solar planet or
planetary formation would be particularly appreciated.

Contact : Claire Moutou, Pierre Barge, Jean-Pierre Sivan
tel        04 91 05 59 00
email   claire.moutou@oamp.fr
SUBMISSION TO THE ATTENTION OF : Director Roger MALINA : dirlam@oamp.fr

Transmis par Jean Schneider

Reza Samadi
LESIA Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
Bat. 12, 5 place Jules Janssen, F-92195 Meudon, France
Tel 	: 33 (0)1 45 07 78 48 	Fax : 33 (0)1 45 07 78 72
GSM 	: 33 (0)6 67 75 08 81 	SMS : reza.samadi@6sens.com

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