référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2005-06/msg00003.html

Re: [astro-jc] Fwd: [mcfa-int] report "European Universities: Enhancing Europe's Research Base" Philippe Zarka

Ben ouais, mais (1) on pouvait s'y attendre de la part de l'émanation  
d'un système qui prône la concurrence de tous contre tous, (2) le  
système français est parait-il un mammouth notoire, mais la flexibilité  
(de qui) et le mandarinal local sont-ils de bonnes réponses ?

Le 8 juin 05, à 21:02, Franck Marchis a écrit :

> Cher Astro-JC
> Un rapport  issu du groupe de travail  "Forum on University-based  
> Research" sur le role des universites dans les pays membres de l'Union  
> Europeenne.
> Pour resumer, leurs propositions sont aux antipodes du systeme  
> universitaire francais.
> example:
> Extrait de la conclusion
> [.......]
> In summary, Universities themselves should be able:
> - to work in a decentralised system with financial autonomy, i.e. the  
> capacity to take decisions on  priorities and flexible redistribution  
> of economic resources
> - to have the freedom to decide their own organisation and decision  
> making structure,
> - to obtain the capacity or authority to decide on opening or closing  
> areas of research and make  related staffi ng decisions
> - to set up more efficient and potent management in combination with  
> respect for academic  values, including the tradition of collegiality
> and this will require taking steps to overcome some internal  
> obstacles, for example concerning promotion,  salaries, etc.
> [......]
> A+
> Franck Marchis
> --- Franck Marchis         ------------------- Phone: +1 510 6423958 --
>      Assistant Research Astronomer at University of California     --
>      Department of Astronomy                  Fax: +1 510 642 3411 --
>      601 Campbell Hall                fmarchis@astron.berkeley.edu --
> --- Berkeley CA 94720 - USA -http://astron.berkeley.edu/~fmarchis  --
> --------------------------------------------------------
Philippe ZARKA - LESIA, UMR CNRS 8109, Observatoire de Paris, 92195  
MEUDON, France
Tel:(33)0145077663,  Fax:(33)0145072806,  Email: Philippe.Zarka@obspm.fr

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