référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2005-03/msg00023.html

[astro-jc] postdoc CNRS pour le Lab. Chimie Physique, Universite Paris-Sud,Orsay Réza Samadi

Une annonce de postdoc CNRS pour le LCP (Lab. Chimie Physique bat.350).
Le CNRS veut privilegier des francais actuellement en these a
l'etranger pour qui ce serait un premier postdoc.
Merci de faire suivre aux personnes interessees.

TITLE : Sensitivity analysis of Titan ionospheric chemistry models
The aim of this theoretical work is to evaluate the predictive
accuracyof Titan ionospheric chemistry models, which are developed to
interpret data from the ongoing Cassini-Huygens mission. A thorough
analysis of uncertainties associated to reaction parameters reported in
the literature as well as a determination of relevant chemical processes
to implement in the models will be performed. Effect of chemical
kinetic uncertainties on modeling results will be assessed. The most
important reaction will be identified using sensitivity analysis
methods, in order to plan future laboratory experiments. The candidate
will work with a reaction dynamics team composed of experimentalists and
theoreticians, in collaboration with planetary scientists. CANDIDATE
Several scientific profiles could be considered: gas phase reactivity;
kinetics modeling of complex chemical systems (atmospheres, combustion,
plasmas...), and; planetary atmospheres modeling. A strong motivation
for this interdisciplinary project, merging physical chemistry and
planetary sciences, is required.
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique
Bat 350, Universite Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay, France
mail : odile.dutuit@lcp.u-psud.fr
tel : +33 1 69 15 56 18

Liste astro-jc
co-geree par la Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A)
et la Commission Jeunes-Chercheurs de l'Observatoire de Paris (CJC)
Courriel : mailto:astro-jc@opserv.obspm.fr
Archives : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/
Sites internet:
SF2A: http://www2.iap.fr/sf2a/
CJC : http://www.obspm.fr/cjc/
Pour nous contacter:
CJC: mailto:Commission.Jeunes-Chercheurs@obspm.fr
SF2A: mailto:sf2a@cesr.fr