référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2005-03/msg00022.html

[astro-jc] 2 offres post-doctorales Réza Samadi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 10:56:18 +0100 (CET)
From: Programme National de Cosmologie <pnc@iap.fr>

  1. Postdoc : "Development of Data Reduction Software for VLT/X-shooter"
     Astronomical Institute, University of Amsterdam

     Postdoctoral Position in Optical/nIR Spectroscopy
     Development of Data Reduction Software for VLT/X-shooter
     Astronomical Institute, University of Amsterdam
     Attention: Dr. L. Kaper

        We seek a postdoctoral researcher to contribute to the development of
     data reduction software for X-shooter, the first second-generation
     instrument to be installed at the ESO Very Large Telescope at Paranal,
     Chile, in 2007. X-shooter is a very efficient echelle spectrograph
     covering the U to the K-band in one shot. An international consortium,
     including representatives from Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands
     and ESO, is involved in the construction of X-shooter. VLT/X-shooter is
     designed to become the most powerful intermediate resolution spectrograph
     in the world. In addition to the software development, a
     significant fraction of time will be devoted to science projects and to
     the preparation of the X-shooter/GTO program.

       The successful applicant will join the research group at the
     Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam, which has a strong
     international reputation in high-energy astrophysics
     (X-ray binaries, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts), stellar and binary
     evolution, and starand planet formation. Given the international
     collaboration on X-shooter, part of the work
     related to the development of data reduction software will be carried
     out at Paris Observatory.
       The emphasis will be on pipeline software for the near-infrared arm of
     the instrument. The position is funded for a period of two years,
     with possibly an extension of a third year, and is immediately available.
     The net yearly salary is about Euro 31.500 (USD 42.500),
     depending on age, experience, and family situation.

       Interested candidates are invited to send their application, 
including a
     curriculum vitae and publication list, and the names of three
     references to:

     Dr. L. Kaper
     Astronomical Institute "Anton Pannekoek"
     University of Amsterdam
     Kruislaan 403
     1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
     Tel. +31-20-5257474
     Fax: +31-20-5257484
     Email: lexk@science.uva.nl

     PNC PNC PNC           http://www.iap.fr/pnc/         PNC PNC PNC PNC

  2. Postdoc at the interface between theoretical cosmology and
     high energy physics phenomenolog . IAP/APC Paris

     Opening of a two-year postdoctoral position at the interface between
     theoretical cosmology and high energy physics phenomenology, shared
     between the theory groups of the IAP (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
     and APC (Astroparticules et Cosmologie, Paris 7).

     The theory group (GRECO) at the IAP (www.iap.fr) includes L. Blanchet,
     G. Esposito-Farese, G. Faye, M. Lemoine, J. Martin, P. Peter,
     A. Riazuelo and J-P. Uzan, as well as F. Bernardeau and P. Brax as
     "associate researchers".  The group is active in cosmology (string
     cosmology, inflation, quintessence, CMB, cosmic rays) and in
     gravitational physics (gravitational waves, post-newtonian formalism).

     The theory group of APC (www.apc-p7.org) includes A. Buonanno,
     C. Deffayet, D. Langlois, G. Sigl, located at the IAP, J. Mourad,
     D. Steer, J. Serreau located at the LPT/Orsay, J-P. Gazeau, E. Huguet,
     J. Renaud, located at Jussieu/Paris 7, P. Binetruy, D. Semikoz,
     located at College de France.  All the members of this group will
     move, early in 2006, to the APC building, now under construction, on
     the new campus of University Paris 7. The group is active in
     cosmology (brane cosmology, inflation), in high energy particle
     physics (string theory, susy), in mathematical physics (quantization
     methods) and astroparticle physics (cosmic rays, neutrinos,
     gravitational waves).

     The position will start in the Fall of 2005. The first year will be
     spent at the IAP, while the second year, starting in the Fall of 2006,
     will be spent in the APC.

     The research project of the candidate should be at the interface
     between cosmology and particle physics, preferably related to the
     topic of the present acceleration of the universe in the light of
     models of high energy physics

     Applicants should send their CV and research program as soon as
     possible and by email to deffayet@iap.fr. Letters of recommendation
     should also be sent by email. The selection process will start at the
     end of next week, FRIDAY 18 MARCH.

     For further information, please contact Cedric Deffayet
     (deffayet@iap.fr), David Langlois (langlois@iap.fr), Jerome Martin
     (jmartin@iap.fr) or Patrick Peter (peter@iap.fr).

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