référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2003-08/msg00001.html

[obsdoc] ENEAS job ad (fwd) Réza Samadi

Message-ID: <3F50B5F2.2080803@obspm.fr>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ENEAS job ad (fwd)
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 14:47:28 +0200 (CEST)
From: Conny Aerts <conny@ster.kuleuven.ac.be>
Reply-To: <conny@ster.kuleuven.ac.be>
To: <ENEAS-list@ster.kuleuven.ac.be>
CC: Conny Aerts <conny@ster.kuleuven.ac.be>

Dear colleagues,

please find enclosed a call for candidates for a postdoctoral position.

Best regards,


From:   Simon Jeffery <csj@arm.ac.uk>
To:   Donald Wayne Kurtz
Date:   Friday - August 22, 2003 10:56 AM
Subject:   job advert
    Mime.822 (3470 bytes)    [View] [Save As]

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Stellar Astrophysics

The Origins of Hot Stellar Remnants

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research assistantship
(PDRA) in Stellar Astrophysics to be held at Armagh Observatory beginning
2003 October or as soon as possible thereafter. The PDRA's work
activities will be directed towards an extensive data aquisition and
interpretation programme (including modelling) relating to a range of
phenomena in hot subdwarfs and extreme helium stars. Our goal is to use
pulsations and other characteristics to determine how these exotic stars
were formed. A knowledge of stellar atmospheres and/or pulsations would be an

Further information about Armagh Observatory, and in particular the current
Stellar Astrophysics research programme, may be obtained by consulting the
Observatory's web-site (http://star.arm.ac.uk) or by email to
Simon Jeffery (csj@arm.ac.uk). This position is funded by the
the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.

The closing date for applications is 6 September 2003. Armagh Observatory
has an excellent in-house computing facility plus access to super-computing
facilities via the Irish Grid. Prospective applicants should obtain an
application pack from the Administrator or it may be downloaded from
http://star.arm.ac.uk/~csj/outgoing/JOB/. The completed application form,
together with a full curriculum vitae and bibliography should be
sent to: The Administrator, Armagh Observatory, College Hill, Armagh BT61 9DG,
Northern Ireland. [Tel.  +44-(0)28-3752-2928, Fax. +44-(0)28-3752-7174,
email lfy@star.arm.ac.uk].  Applicants are asked to ensure that references
from three referees should also reach the Administrator by the same date.

Dr C Simon Jeffery

a: Armagh Observatory, College Hill, Armagh BT61 9DG, Northern Ireland
e: csj@star.arm.ac.uk
w: star.arm.ac.uk/~csj/
t:   +44 28 3752 2928 x25
f:   +44 28 3752 7174
m: +44 78 1062 8212

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