référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2003-04/msg00003.html

[obsdoc] [Fwd: PhD position announced] Christophe Jean

                PhD Position in Astronomy at Leiden Observatory

                    The Radio Source Population and 
                  the XMM Large Scale Structure Survey  

The XMM Large Scale Structure (LSS) survey will result in an
unprecedented large sample of about 1000 clusters of galaxies up to
redshifts z~1.5 Combined with radio and optical data, a unique data
set will be obtained to address a number of longstanding issues
concerning the connection of the cosmological radio source population
with the large scale structure (LSS) of the Universe.  Issues include:
(i) Where are various populations of radio sources and X-ray quasars
located with respect to the LSS? (ii) What is the connection between
distant Mpc sized radio halos and the formation of their associated
clusters?  (iii) What fraction of the ~10,000 X-ray emitting quasars
are radio loud?  Are the environments, radio structures and host
galaxies of these radio loud quasars different from the radio quiet

Funding is available for a postgraduate student to take part in this
research programme. It is intended that the position will be for four
years and will provide the opportunity of obtaining a Ph.D degree in
the Netherlands.

Leiden Observatory has access to a wide range of first class
observational facilities.  These include large optical, infrared,
(sub)millimeter, and radio telescopes, as well as space
observatories. Computers available at the Sterrewacht include a
network of UNIX-based workstations.

The "Sterrewacht" is the oldest university department of astronomy in
the world. Leiden is a charming university town, within easy reach of
the major European centers.

The successful applicant should be close to obtaining a Masters degree
or the equivalent.  Among the qualifications we seek are scientific
ability, motivation and independence. Some preference will be given to
those with experience in relevant areas of astrophysics and/or
astronomical image reduction techniques.

Written applications together with a curriculum vitae and the names of
2 references should be sent to arrive before 15 May 2003 to:

Dr. Huub Röttgering 
Postbus 9513 
2300 RA Leiden 
The Netherlands 

For additional information please contact Huub Röttgering (Phone
31-71-5275851 or rottgeri@strw.leidenuniv.nl) or visit the XMM-LSS www
pages: http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/spatial/xmm/LSS/index_e.html
Emmanuel JEHIN                        e-mail:  ejehin@eso.org     
European Southern Observatory         phone :  +56 2 4633065   (Office)
Alonso de Cordoba 3107                         +56 2 2124176     (Home)   
Santiago 19, Chile                    Fax   :  +56 2 4633001    