référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2002-09/msg00015.html

[Fwd: SIRTF Fellowships at Cornell] Herve Wozniak

-------- Message d'origine --------
De: Vassilis Charmandaris <vassilis@astro.cornell.edu>
Objet: SIRTF Fellowships at Cornell
A: herve.wozniak@observatoire.cnrs-mrs.fr
CC: Vassilis Charmandaris <vassilis@astro.cornell.edu>

Bonjour Herve,

est-ce qu'il possible de passer l'annonce suivant a la list de jeunes

Merci d'avance et a bientot,


                  SIRTF Fellowships at Cornell University

           [ http://www.astro.cornell.edu/SIRTF/job2002c.shtml ]
    The Infrared Astronomy group and the SIRTF Infrared Spectrograph
    team at Cornell University invites SIRTF fellowship applicants to
    designate Cornell as their host institution for the 3 year tenure of
    their fellowship. Information on the SIRTF fellowships and the IRS
    be found at:

    By joining our team at the IRS Science Center at Cornell University,
    the successful SIRTF fellow will be able to define his/her own
    program and to participate in the analysis and publication of the IRS
    Guaranteed Time Observing (GTO) programs on the Space
Infrared           Telescope facility (SIRTF). The IRS GTO programs make
use of all three
    instruments on board SIRTF and cover a wide range of scientific
    including studies of our solar system, circum-stellar disks, and ISM,
    nearby galaxies, ULIRGs, AGN, and objects at high redshift. All 875
    hours of the IRS GTO program in the first half of the mission are
    covered by a one-year proprietary period. The successful applicant
    will actively participate in the interpretation of the scientific
    data, benefit from the experience of the IRS instrument team, and
    the presentation of results at scientific meetings and their
    publication in scientific journals.

    We are interested in hosting innovative individuals with some
    background in infrared astronomy, who are independent thinkers and
    have a strong desire to contribute to the rich scientific return of
    SIRTF. A Ph.D. in astronomy, physics, or a closely related field on
    after January 1st 2000 and prior to the initiation of the fellowship
    is required. Applications from both observers and theorists with
    relevant experience are welcome. Fellows will reside at Cornell
    University, in Ithaca, NY with opportunities to travel to the SIRTF
    Science Center in Pasadena, CA. Fellows will also have access to
all     Cornell operated facilities including the Palomar and Arecibo
    observatories and the Cornell Theory Center, and will benefit from
    stimulating scientific interactions within the Department of
    Astronomy. The Cornell Astronomy Department is among the leading
    astronomy and space science centers in the nation, with 24 faculty
    members and 36 research associates. Salaries are set by the SIRTF
    fellowship program at approximately $48,000, with additional benefits
    for travel, publications, and computing costs.

    If this opportunity sounds interesting to you, please send a copy of
    your vita, research interests and the names of three individuals who
    are willing to write reference letters to Prof. J. R. Houck, (PI of
    the Infrared Spectrograph) at Cornell University, 220 Space Sciences
    Building, Ithaca, NY 14853. Applications and inquires via email to
    jrh13@cornell.edu are encouraged. For full consideration applications
    should be received before 31 October 2002 in order to meet the
    November 8, 2002 deadline of the SIRTF fellowship program.

    Cornell University is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action

  Vassilis Charmandaris
  Cornell University            e-mail: vassilis@astro.cornell.edu
  Astronomy Department           phone: +1 (607) 255-8774
  106 Space Sciences Bldg.         fax: +1 (607) 255-5875
  Ithaca, NY 14853, USA           http://www.astro.cornell.edu/~vassilis

Herve WOZNIAK                           
Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille-Provence
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (UMR 6110)
2, Place Le Verrier  F-13248 Marseille cedex 4 (France)
Phone:  (+33) (0) 495 044 154   Fax:    (+33) (0) 491 621 190
GSM:    (+33) (0) 618 916 795