référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2001-01/msg00000.html

[obsdoc] Un postdoc a Paris FORGET Francois

Chers collegues,

Ci-dessous une offre (en anglais) de Post-doc au LMD a l'IPSL sur le
campus de Jussieu a Paris. Merci de la diffuser a toute personne
interessee !


Scientist to develop a thermosphere model for the planet Mars at the
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (Paris, France).


The planetary atmosphere team at the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique
in Paris has been developping 3D General Circulation Models of the Martian
atmosphere for several years in collaboration with Oxford University
(AOPP), UK, and the Insituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Spain. The model
is used for scientific studies and provides a database of the martian
environement for the design of future spacecraft missions. (See e.g.

With the support of the European Space Agency and the Centre National
D'Etude Spatiale, we seek a scientist to play a key role in the extension
of this atmospheric model into the thermosphere of Mars above 120 km
altitude. There, the atmospheric thermal structure is mostly controlled by
EUV absorption, molecular conduction, and waves propagating from below.
Phtochemistry must also be taken into account.

We offer a 2 years position. 

Requirements: Candidates should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in
atmospheric science, photochemistry, space physics, planetary science or
related fields. Ideally, the candidate would also have an expertise in
numerical modeling.

Contact : Please contact us by e-mail at the address below for any
questions. Applicant should send their curriculum vitae including
publications and some references to :

Francois Forget,    (forget@lmd.jussieu.fr)
Lab. de Meteorologie Dynamique,  Universite Paris 6 BP99,           
4 pl. Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05-FRANCE 
Tel:(33) 1 44274763   Fax:(33) 1 44276272

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