référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2000-09/msg00005.html

[obsdoc] Marie Curie Post-Doc at IAA (fwd) Roser Pello

     Chers collegues,

     Je vous fais suivre un annonce de post-doc a l'IAA (Espagne), que
vous trouverez attache a ce mail (en anglais).


     Roser Pello

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 11:27:26 +0200
From: PUERTAS <puertas@IAA.ES>
To: discusion@sea.am.ub.es
Subject: Marie Curie Post-Doc en el IAA

Estimados Colegas,

Adjunto os envío un anuncio de un puesto Post-Doctoral en el IAA.
Desafortunadamente los Post-Doc españoles no podéis solicitarlo. Os ruego,
no obstante, que lo difundáis entre vuestros colegas europeos.

Un saludo, Manuel.
Manuel Lopez-Puertas                              Phone: +34-958-121311
Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (CSIC)        Fax: +34-958-814530
Apdo. 3004, 18080 Granada, Spain                  Email: puertas@iaa.es
                        Call for Applications for a
                         MARIE CURIE HOST FELLOWSHIP

The project "Sounding from non-lte Infrared EmissionS of Temperature and
Atmospheric species" (SIESTA) of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia
(IAA) has been selected for the EC Marie Curie Development Host Fellowship
Program. This project offers two fellowships (2 years each commencing in
2000 and 2002) for post-doctoral researchers working in the field of
Environment and Geosciences.

We invite applications for the first fellowship: a two-years post-doctoral
position (expected to be commencing between 1st November 2000 and 1st
January 2001) at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC),
Granada, Spain, in the Atmospheric InfraRed Emissions (AIRE) group of the
Departamento Sistema Solar to investigate in the area of remote sounding of
atmospheric infrared emissions.

At the foothills of Sierra Nevada, in eastern Andalucia, the IAA is a key
research center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Its
Departamento Sistema Solar has carried out research on aeronomy, atmospheric
composition models, and infrared radiative transfer for more than 20 years.
The Atmospheric InfraRed Emissions (AIRE) group is worldwide known for its
expertise on problems of atmospheric emissions under non-Local Thermodynamic
Equilibrium (NLTE) and their effects on atmospheric radiative budget and
remote sounding. The Group is currently Co-PI of a number of atmospheric
remote sounding experiments from spacecraft, which are expected to provide
unique and new NLTE datasets in the next years.

The candidate will develop and code retrieval algorithms suitable for
implementation of NLTE source functions and absorptions, or adapt
pre-existing ones for those conditions, and for both wide band and high
spectral resolution experiments. The applicant must expect a strong
interaction with the IAA groups and with European and American remote
sounding experimental teams. The research also contemplates the application
of the algorithms developed to real atmospheric measurements from space
experiments which are planned to be launched during the course of the
investigation, like MIPAS on board ENVISAT-1, or SABER on the TIMED mission.

The candidate must have a Ph.D. Degree (or equivalent) in physical sciences,
astronomy or mathematics, and a strong background in atmospheric remote
sounding and retrieval theory. He/she must belong to the European Community
(Spain excluded) or its associates states and be under 35 years old.

Applications including a full CV, a publication list, a summary of current
research interests and two reference letters should be sent to:

Manuel López Puertas
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
Camino Bajo de Huétor 24, 18008 Granada, Spain
Tel. 34-958-121311
Fax 34-958-814530
email: puertas@iaa.es

                    >>>> Deadline: 10th October 2000<<<<

Further details on the conditions of the post and on the project can be
found in the EC web site:


This announcement can be seen at: