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Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 16:30:42 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Torres Miguel <torres@ira.bo.cnr.it>
To: discusion@sea.am.ub.es

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The Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) Postdoctoral Fellowship program awards
Fellowships to recent Ph.D.'s (since January 1, 1998) in astronomy,
physics, and related disciplines. Chandra Fellows hold their appointments
at a Host Institution in the U.S., for research that is broadly related to
the goals of the Chandra satellite. This research can include new Chandra
observations and archival analysis as well as related theoretical and
observational studies of X-ray sources at all wavelengths. However, the
main criterion for proposal review is the contribution to the understanding
of X-ray sources, and this may be specifically appraised for continuation
of the fellowship after the second year. The Fellowship duration is three
years (subject to review after the second year and to availability of funds
from NASA).

Appointments for the 2001 Chandra Fellows are expected to begin in
September, 2001. Applications for the 2001 Chandra Fellowship program are
due NOVEMBER 16, 2000.

Three groups of Chandra Fellows have been selected in previous
competitions. Note that a host institution can accept one new Chandra
Fellow each year.

Information about Chandra can be found at The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC)
web site. The Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for the Fellowship Program,
provides full details about the program and the application procedure. It
is available both online and in hardcopy. Accompanying the AO are research
activity summaries from institutions which have indicated that they are
interested in participating in the Chandra Fellowship Program as host
institutions. There is also a template, which is useful in preparing the
Application Form, and a style file which is required to process the form
through LaTeX. The same Application Form is also available in PostScript.
(For users of Netscape, the template, style file, and PostScript file can
be downloaded by shift + click on the link.) The template and style files
are also available through anonymous ftp.

Further information about the Chandra Fellowship Program, can be obtained
preferably through the web or alternately through e-mail to Fellowship
Program or to Nancy Remage Evans (nevans@head-cfa.harvard.edu).


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