référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2006-02/msg00002.html

[astro-jc] postdoc (exo-planet) in Marseille Réza Samadi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 18:01:50 +0100
From: Claire Moutou <Claire.Moutou@oamp.fr>
To: forumhra@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr
Subject: [Forum HRA] postdoc in Marseille

*Postdoctorate in Astrophysics*

*Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille*

The knowledge of extrasolar planets greatly improves while the number of
discoveries increases. Radial velocity surveys, planetary transits from
the ground and from space and direct imaging are three methods that are
being developed and used at LAM to study extrasolar planets. In
particular, we are involved in SOPHIE (OHP) and HARPS (ESO), CoRoT to be
launched in October 2006, and in the future instrument Planet Finder to
be installed at the VLT in 2011. Our objective is to get a comprehensive
view of the extrasolar planetary systems by using complementary data and
by observing systems at various stages of their evolution.

A position is opened at LAM in our team, to contribute to one or several
of these projects. A priority is given to the scientific preparation of
Planet Finder. This instrument is driven by the main goal of discovering
forming Jupiters and to probe the mass edge between giant planets and
brown dwarfs. LAM has the responsibility of the main focal instrument of
Planet Finder and on preparing the use of guaranteed observing time.
Preparatory data on the potential stellar targets for direct imaging of
extrasolar planets should be obtained, especially high-contrast imaging.

A second possible research project is the contribution to light-curve
analysis from the CoRoT space mission, in search for planetary transits.
It may include a contribution to transit detection, identification of
planets against binaries, participation to follow-up observing activities.

The applicant should be doctor in physics or astrophysics and have
experience in observation programming and analysis. He or she should
have previous knowledge in the field of extrasolar planets. Following
his or her previous background and field of research, one topic or the
other will be developed.

The postdoctorate will have a brut salary of 2134 euros/month.

The position is opened for 30 monthes, starting between October 2006 and
January 2007.

You may send your CV, publication list, and a letter describing your
favorite research project to:


Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille


Traverse du Siphon BP 8

Les Trois Lucs, 13376 Marseille cedex 12, FRANCE

Tel: (33) 491 055 966

Fax: (33) 491 661 855

Email: Claire.Moutou@oamp.fr <mailto:Claire.Moutou@oamp.fr>

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