référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2005-04/msg00002.html

[astro-jc] postdoc Postdam (analyse de donnees Cassini, planeto) Réza Samadi

>Subject: [EuroPlaNet] - info postdoc Postdam
>Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 13:56:54 +0100
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>Commencing spring 2005, a postdoc position (BAT IIa (O)) is to be
>filled for four years in the Nonlinear Dynamics Group of the Institute
>of physics at the  University Potsdam - Germany.
>The main goal of the investigations, funded by the ``Deutsches Zentrum f.
>Luft-und Raumfahrt'' (DLR), is to analyze the data of the dust detector
>(CDA) and the Ultraviolet-spectrometers (UVIS) of the space
>vehicle  Cassini -- a mission to Saturn. The data analysis should be
>completed by  modeling the dust environment and planetary rings of
>Saturn. To this aim, the dynamics of dust, especially in the vicinity of
>Saturn's rings, has to be modeled and these results have to be steadily
>compared with the Cassini data.
>The applicant should have finished her/his phd and she/he should be able
>to write proposals in order to ensure continuation and expansion (hire on -
>and advertising  phd-students) of this project.
>Applicants mail the usual papers (cv, publication list  etc.)
>PD Dr. Frank Spahn, Lehrstuhl ``Nichtlineare Dynamik'';
>Universitaet Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, Haus 22 (Physik),
>14415 Potsdam;
>E-Mail: <mailto:FSpahn@agnld.uni-potsdam.de>FSpahn@agnld.uni-potsdam.de;
>Tel.: 49-331/977 1696 ;  FAX.:  49-331/977 1142.
>EuroPlanet - European Planetology Network
>Project n°001637 supported by the European Commission

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