référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/astro-jc/2005-03/msg00019.html

[astro-jc] Subject: postdoc announcement Laurent Chemin

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:06:57 +0100 (CET)
From: Michel Rieutord <rieutord@ast.obs-mip.fr>

Dear Colleague,
Please find below the announcement for a two-year postdoctoral position in
stellar physics; please don't hesitate to circulate it in your institute.
Best wishes,

A postdoctoral position is offered for two years starting autumn 2005,
within the ESTER project aimed at modelling the evolution of rotating
stars (P.I. M. Rieutord). This project will lead to two-dimensional
stellar models able to incorporate the various effects of rotation
(long-term effects such as rotational mixing or immediate effect like
the oscillation spectrum). The numerical code should be operational by
the end of 2006 so as  to contribute at best to the scientific payback
of the COROT mission.

The proposed work should be seen as a contribution to the development of
the project. This may take many forms such as, for instance, the study
of the oscillation spectrum of stars strongly distorted by the
centrifugal acceleration, the role of surface boundary conditions or the
study of turbulence modelling in rotating radiative or convective
envelopes, etc...

The successful applicant will join the Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
group of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées
in Toulouse - France; the group is composed of four senior scientists and PhD
students.  It has expertise in both theoretical and numerical work and
has built several numerical tools which should allow the candidate to be
efficient very shortly after arrival.

The applicant should be both  a theoretician and numerician, with a good
background in fluid dynamics and, possibly,  some knowledge in radiative
transfer. He/she should be less than 40 yr old; salary is 2150 euro/month.

More information is available from M. Rieutord (rieutord@obs-mip.fr) or

Application file is in
Apllication deadline is May 16, 2005.


Michel Rieutord                                 Laboratoire d'Astrophysique
Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees                      email : rieutord@obs-mip.fr
14 avenue Edouard Belin                         Tel +33 -(0)5 61 33 29 49
31400 Toulouse, France                          Fax +33 -(0)5 61 33 28 40

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