référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2003-07/msg00002.html

[obsdoc] Position in high energy astrophysics at Geneva University Pascal Borde

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Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:21:42 +0200 (MEST)
From: ISDC <Thierry.Courvoisier@obs.unige.ch>
Subject: Position available

Dear Colleague, please find here an announcement for a position in high
energy astrophysics.

T. Courvoisier


Position available at the Departement of Astronomy of the Geneva University

The University of Geneva is opening a position  of ``Maitre d'enseignement
de recherche'' in its department of astronomy (Geneva Observatory).

The candidate is expected to contribute to the high energy astrophysics
research of the department and in particular to the scientific
exploitation of the INTEGRAL data. The Geneva  Observatory is host to
the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC) where the successfull candidate
will work. The ISDC is in charge of receiving, processing,
analysing, distributing and archiving the INTEGRAL data. Beside its
service activities the centre actively contributes to research in the
fields of active galactic nuclei, X-ray binary systems and nucleo-synthesis.
The candidate is expected to participate to these research efforts.

The candidate is also expected to contribute to the running of the centre.
The duties will include an active participation in the leadership of the
centre both in its administration and in its project and science activities.
The successfull candidate will have to represent the ISDC in national
and international committees.

The successfull candidate will also contribute to the teaching of
astrophysics in Geneva through specialised courses and/or seminars.
The candidate will have the possibility to lead Diploma and PhD theses
in collaboration with a professor of the Observatory.

Candidates should have a PhD in physics or astronomy and a proven track of
high quality research. A good knowledge of large astronomical data
analysis systems is mandatory. Some previous experience in the
development and/or operation of a science data centre would be an asset as
would be a sound knowledge of the INTEGRAL instruments and mission.

Candidates should send 5 copies of: their curriculum vitae, list
of publications, statement of interest and  research plan and one
certified copy of the highest degree to Prof. M. Mayor,
Observatoire de Geneve, 51, ch. des Maillettes, CH-1290 SAUVERNY,
before September 10, 2003.

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