référence : http://wwwsio.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2002-05/msg00011.html

[obsdoc] 2 positions de Post-doc sur la MHD en astrophysique ! Fabien Casse

Bonjour a tous,

Voici l'annonce de  post-doc sur l'etude des instabilites MHD
dans les disques d'accretion...  Cette annonce s'adressent a des
personnes interressees dans la modelisation et/ou l'etude analytique
d'equilibres MHD dans les disques d'accretion de diverses
Avis aux amateurs...

Fabien Casse


The FOM Institute for Plasma Physics `Rijnhuizen' (Nieuwegein, Utrecht)
and the Astronomical Institute at the University of Utrecht, the
have immediate openings for two postdoctoral positions in
a collaborative research effort on

     "Magneto-Seismology of Accretion Disks"

This research theme entails our ambitious goal to identify
all waves and instabilities of gravitationally
stratified, rotating magnetized accretion disks. The aim will be to
demonstrate the importance of hitherto uncharted magnetohydrodynamic
instabilities in accretion disks
[See: Astrophysical Journal Letters 569, L121, 2002].
This will be combined with follow-up, fully nonlinear simulations
to clarify how magnetic fields can sustain disk turbulence.
This will open up a new route to understand the physics of
astrophysical turbulence and its relevance to astrophysical phenomena.

At Rijnhuizen, the successful candidate will join the Numerical Plasma
Dynamics group led by Dr. R. (Rony) Keppens, in close
collaboration with Prof.Dr. J.P. (Hans) Goedbloed. This group has
extensive expertise in computational magneto-fluid dynamics
is currently involved in an
international collaboration between eight European institutes on
"Plasma Astrophysics: Theory, Observations, and Numerics"
and is leading a national 6-team effort on `Rapid Changes in Complex
simulating nonlinear plasma dynamics in
both laboratory and astrophysical settings
[See: http://www.rijnh.nl/n3/n2 ]
[See: http://www-solar.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~thomas/platon/ ]
[See: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~compflow ].

At the Astronomical Institute, the successful candidate will collaborate

Prof. Norbert Langer. His group has expertise in astrophysical
applications of numerical simulations, in particular for stars,
circumstellar gas flows, and interacting binary systems, and
their relevance in the broader astrophysical context
[See: http://www.astro.uu.nl/~langer ].

Succesful applicants must demonstrate an interest in computational
and/or analytical work in astrophysics, and be familiar with
hydro- or magnetohydrodynamic modeling in general.
More information can be obtained by contacting Rony Keppens
or Norbert Langer (n.langer@astro.uu.nl).

At Rijnhuizen, employment will be by the FOM foundation for a
fixed period of two years, with a likely extension to 3 years.
The position at Utrecht University will be for two years.
The gross salary per month will be between euro 2504 and 3297
depending on experience.
Written applications, including a letter of interest, a CV, publication
and the names of at least two references can be mailed to
Dr. R. Keppens or R.M.W. Rademaker, Postbus 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein,
The Netherlands (ronrad@rijnh.nl) for the Rijnhuizen postdoc,
and to Prof. N. Langer, Astronomical Institute, Utrecht University,
P.O. Box 80000, NL-3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
for the Utrecht vacancy.

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