référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2001-08/msg00002.html

[obsdoc] Annonce de post-doc en MHD numerique Reza Samadi

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Annonce de post-doc en MHD numerique
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 10:43:19 +0200
From: Fabien Casse <fcasse@abacus.rijnh.nl>
To: Commission.Jeunes-Chercheurs@obspm.fr

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Voici une annonce de l'institut ou j'effectue mon post-doc pour
un post-doc en MHD numerique.. Si vous voulez bien la diffuser
sur la liste sfsa-jc... Merci

Fabien Casse

Dr. Fabien Casse                      *
FOM Institute of Plasma physics       *
Postbus 1207                          *
NL-3430 BE Nieuwegein                 *
The Netherlands                       *
fcasse@rijnh.nl                       *
Tel: (+31) [0]30-6096954              *
Fax: (+31) [0]30-6031204              *


 Postdoc in Numerical Plasma Dynamics

The FOM Institute for Plasma Physics `Rijnhuizen', the Netherlands, in
particular the Numerical Plasma Dynamics group [1] led by Dr. Rony
in close collaboration with Prof.Dr. J.P. (Hans) Goedbloed, has an
opening for a PostDoc to engage in national and international
research collaborations. The group at Rijnhuizen has extensive expertise

in computational magneto-fluid dynamics applied to laboratory and
plasmas. A Netherlands based effort on ``Parallel Computational
Dynamics'' [2] was led by us and has been approved (july 2001) for
under the dutch scientific research program on `Computational Science'.
Moreover, we are actively participating in an international
collaboration on
``Plasma Astrophysics: Theory, Observations, and Numerics" [3].

The postdoc will be one of 6 postdocs currently advertised within an
interdisciplinary collaboration on `Rapid Changes in Complex Flows'.
Six independent research groups within the Netherlands join forces to
perform large-scale computations of the non-linear dynamics of
flow-dominated laboratory, geophysical, and astrophysical fluids and
This demands a coordinated effort to solve the common numerical,
computational, and implementation problems. A unifying topic
will be to unravel complex flow phenomena, in particular the physical
mechanisms of instabilities and shock formation.

Applicants must have a proven interest in computational and
analytical work related to laboratory or astrophysical plasmas, and
be familiar with magnetohydrodynamic modeling. The position is for a
period of 2 years, the location is in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. More
information can be obtained from Rony Keppens (keppens@rijnh.nl, Tel:
+31(0)30-6096941) or Hans Goedbloed (goedbloed@rijnh.nl,

You will be employed by the FOM foundation for a fixed period of two
The gross salary per month is (dutch guilders) f 5.462,- at least and f
at most, depending on your level of experience.
For your pension you will participate in 'Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP'.
Written applications, including a letter of interest, a CV, and the
of at least two references can be mailed to R.M.W. Rademaker, Postbus
3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands (our personnel office manager:

[1] http://www.rijnh.nl/n3/n2/

[2] http://www.phys.uu.nl/~mpr/

[3] http://www-solar.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~thomas/platon/

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