référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2001-04/msg00024.html

[obsdoc] PhD position at Amsterdam Stephane CORBEL


Veuillez trouver ci-joint une offre de these a l'institut `Anton Pannekoek'



Funding is available at the Astronomical Insititute `Anton Pannekoek',
University of Amsterdam, for a four-year PhD project (AIO), in the
high-energy astrophysics group. This group is widely recognised as one
of the world leaders in the study of neutron stars and stellar-mass
black holes.  The project will be under the supervision of Dr. Rob
Fender and Prof. Michiel van der Klis, and will focus on the
connection between accretion and outflow in X-ray binary systems. The
PhD student will be expected to reduce, analyse and interpret data
from our multiple ongoing observational programmes involving space-
(e.g. RXTE, Chandra, XMM, SAX, INTEGRAL) and ground-based (e.g. WSRT,
VLA, MERLIN, ATCA, VLT) observatories.  Specifically, the project will
investigate the differences between jet formation around black holes
and neutron stars via carefully coordinated observing campaigns and,
in this way, will probe the physics of matter in the vicinity of these
collapsed, relativistic objects. Such studies tell us about the nature
of accretion in the strong-field general relativistic regime, the
physics of particle acceleration and jet formation, and provide
observational evidence for black-hole event horizons.  

This project is part of, and funded by, NOVA network 3 `Compact

For further information about the Astronomical Institute
`Anton Pannekoek', see http://www.astro.uva.nl/

For information on the High-Energy Astrophysics Group specifically, see 

For further details about this post, please contact:

Dr. Fender
+31 20 5257478 / rpf@astro.uva.nl

or Prof. van der Klis
+31 20 5257498 / michiel@astro.uva.nl


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