référence : http://wwwusr.obspm.fr/commissions/cjc/arc/obsdoc/2001-04/msg00009.html

[obsdoc] [Fwd: [Fwd: Postdoctoral Positions AIP Potsdam]] Christophe Jean


--  +  -- Dominique Sluse ----------------------------------- PhD. student 
  +E S+   European Southern Observatory           phone : 00-56-2-463-3185
    O     Alonso de Cordova 3107, Vitacura        fax   : 00-56-2-463-3001
--  +  -- Casilla 19001-Santiago 19---CHILE------ mailto:   dsluse@eso.org

		Two Postdoctoral Positions
		  Cosmic Magnetic Fields
	     Astrophysical Institute Potsdam

We invite applications for two full-time postdoctoral research 
positions at the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (AIP) starting 
spring/summer 2001. The initial appointment is for two years with 
the possibility of an extension of one year. Salary is according 
to BAT IIa-O, i.e. approx. 3,100.-- DM per month (13 times). A 
personal travel budget is available. 

The AIP is a research foundation with a close link to the 
University of Potsdam and a member of the Wilhelm Gottfried Leibnitz 
Gesellschaft and carries out basic astronomical research in a variety 
of fields (see http://www.aip.de ). The current openings are for 
research in Stellar Activity with special emphasis on high-resolution 
spectroscopy, Doppler imaging, spectropolarimetry, molecular and 
atomic lines in model atmospheres, and coding for parallel 
supercomputing in Fortran-90 and/or C.  Both observers and 
theoreticians are encouraged to apply. 

The AIP is involved in the construction of a 1.2m robotic 
spectroscopic telescope for stellar activity monitoring on Tenerife 
and the applicants are invited to participate in its scientific use. 
Access to all ESO facilities, including the VLT, and later to the LBT 
is possible. Inhouse computing facilities include a 16 processor 
Hitachi SR800, a 4 processor Cray J90, an Alpha-Unix network, Suns, 
and many PC/Linux machines.   

Please send your application to:

Prof. Dr. K. G. Strassmeier
Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
An der Sternwarte 16
D-14482 Potsdam
phone +49-331-7499-295
fax   +49-331-7499-200


 Klaus G. Strassmeier, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam
 An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany 
 Tel.    +49-331-7499-295 (office)
         +49-331-7499-223 (secretary) 
         +49-33209-84600  (home)
 FAX     +49-331-7499-200